Many celebrities and public figures have been affected by sepsis. Some survived their bout with the disease, but others died. Sepsis is an equal opportunity illness – it can affect anyone of any social status, age, ethnicity, or beliefs.
Many celebrities and public figures have been affected by sepsis. Some survived their bout with the disease, but others died. Sepsis is an equal opportunity illness – it can affect anyone of any social status, age, ethnicity, or beliefs.
All too often, however, the media that report celebrities illnesses or deaths from sepsis fail to say the word. They often say that the person has died of complications of pneumonia, surgery, or cancer, for example. If someone has died of an infection, such as pneumonia or the flu, or an infection from surgery, he or she has died from sepsis. If someone develops an infection serious enough that they must be treated in the hospital with IV fluids and antibiotics, chances are that they have sepsis.
Below is a list of celebrities who Sepsis Alliance knows have had sepsis or believes they did due to the news reports. If you know of any celebrities that you feel should be added to this list, please send the information to info@sepsis.org.
Suggested Citation:
Sepsis Alliance. Sepsis and Celebrities. 2024. https://www.sepsis.org/sepsisand/celebrities/
Updated June 6, 2024.
To learn more about bacterial infections and how they can cause sepsis, visit Sepsis and Bacterial Infections.
To learn more about how people with cancer can be at higher risk of contracting infections and developing sepsis, visit Sepsis and Cancer.
To learn more about what cellulitis is and its connection to sepsis, visit Sepsis and Cellulitis.
To learn how COVID-19 can lead to sepsis, visit Sepsis and COVID-19.
To learn how infections in your mouth can lead to sepsis, visit Sepsis and Dental Health.
To learn about how diabetes increases your risk of developing infections that can lead to sepsis, visit Sepsis and Diabetes.
To learn more about intestinal E. coli and how it can lead to sepsis, visit Sepsis and Intestinal E Coli Infections.
Learn more about HIV and how it can increase your risk of developing sepsis at Sepsis and HIV/AIDS.
Learn more about how IBD can increase your risk of developing infections that can lead to sepsis at Sepsis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
Learn more about bacterial infections at Sepsis and Bacterial Infections.
Learn how the flu can cause sepsis at Sepsis and Influenza.
Learn how a perforated bowel can lead to infection and sepsis at Sepsis and Perforated Bowel.
Learn about how pregnancy, delivery, and post-partum infections can cause sepsis at Sepsis and Pregnancy & Delivery.
Learn how bacterial, viral, and fungal meningitis can cause sepsis at Sepsis and Meningitis.
Lynn Collins, actress – also had pneumonia
Learn how pneumonia can lead to sepsis at Sepsis and Pneumonia.
Learn how surgery can cause infections, during and after the procedure, that can lead to sepsis at Sepsis and Surgery.
Learn how toxic shock syndrome can lead to sepsis at Sepsis and Toxic Shock Syndrome.
Learn how the common UTI can lead to sepsis at Sepsis and Urinary Tract Infections.
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Submit Your StoryView More StoriesMany celebrities and public figures have been affected by sepsis. Some survived their bout with the disease, but others died. Sepsis is an equal opportunity illness – it can affect anyone of any social status, age, ethnicity, or beliefs.