Sepsis and Athletes

Athletes, whether they’re in high school, college, or beyond, are usually in good health. They typically eat well and take care of themselves. So when we think of athletes being sidelined, we often think about them breaking a bone, tearing a ligament, or hitting their head. But athletes can get seriously ill too, like when they get infections that can lead to sepsis.  

Some of the infections that could be spread among athletes include: 

Sepsis, which was often called blood poisoning, is the body’s life-threatening response to infection. Like strokes or heart attacks, sepsis is a medical emergency that requires rapid diagnosis and treatment. 

Suggested Citation:
Sepsis Alliance. Sepsis and Athletes. 2024.

Published October 7, 2024.

This resource is supported in part by an independent educational grant from Merck & Co., Inc.

More About Athletes

Risk Factors

There are a few reasons why athletes might be at an increased risk for infections which can lead to sepsis: 

  • Exposure to microbes during training and through sports equipment, towels, etc. 
  • Exposure to microbes through skin-to-skin contact 
  • Increased risk of open wounds in the skin 
  • Stress on the body from training and contact sports may lower their immune system 

Some sports have a higher risk of skin infection spread than others. According to one study of high school athletes, wrestlers had the most skin infections, followed by football players. Most infections (over 60%) are bacterial, and tinea (fungal) infections make up about 30%. 

Viral infections, like influenza, are passed through the air, as well contact with droplets. Researchers say that athletes who participate in intense exercise must breathe harder and through their mouth. Why is this important? Your nose has a role in protecting against infection by moisturizing the air you breathe and filtering out some microbes. If you mouth breathe, the air that goes into your lungs is dryer than if you nose breathe, and it has more foreign particles. The dry air is disturbing to the lung tissue and the airway can become inflamed. 

 According to this article, upper respiratory infections are among the most common viral infections that circulate in training rooms. One infected person in a locker room can spread the virus to as many as 70% of the teammates in that room.  



Infection symptoms depend on where the infection is. For example, if it’s a skin infection, there might be redness, swelling, pain, and discharge from the wound. If it’s an upper respiratory infection, there may be coughing, sinus congestion, and sore throat.  Sepsis symptoms, however, are generally the same among older teens and adults. They include:  

  • Change in body temperature, either a fever (above 101.3° F) or a lower-than-normal temperature (below 95°F) 
  • Rapid heart rate (above 90 beats per minute) 
  • Rapid breathing (above 20 breaths per minute) 
  • Shaking 
  • Confusion or other changes in mental status, like excessive sleepiness 

Sepsis can move into severe sepsis quickly, so getting help and treatment as quickly as possible is vital. 


Sepsis needs to be suspected and recognized as quickly as possible. It must be treated fast. The risk of death increases every hour of delayed treatment. 

Treatment for sepsis is with IV fluids and antibiotics. Other medications, such as those to raise blood pressure may be needed. If someone you know is admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU), you may see many machines used to monitor various things, such as body function (heart rate, blood pressure), medications and IV fluids that are being administered, and perhaps a ventilator to help the patient breathe. 

Treatment for sepsis also includes treatment for the infection, such as antibiotics for a bacterial infection or antivirals for some viral infections. 


Infection prevention is sepsis prevention™. The number one infection prevention strategy is proper and frequent handwashing. This can’t be stressed enough. Following this, here are some other infection prevention strategies, including some specifically for athletes:  

  • Get all recommended vaccines to reduce the risk of some viral infections. 
  • Care for all wounds, even the smallest scrape or cut. Clean it thoroughly with soap and water to remove bacteria at the wound opening. Keep it clean and covered as it heals. 
  • If you have a wound, make sure there’s a barrier between it and shared surfaces, such as a towel on a sauna bench. Do not use public whirlpools, therapy pools, or swimming pools if you have an open wound or an active infection. 
  • Wear sandals or flip-flops in locker rooms, on pool decks, etc., to prevent fungal and bacterial infections on your feet. 
  • Eat a healthy diet. Malnutrition can lower your body’s ability to fight infection. 
  • Don’t share personal items, such as towels, razors, uniforms, or ointments from open containers. 
  • Clean all shared sports equipment, like weights and individual mats, before and after using. 
  • Ensure the gym or training room has cleaning and disinfection protocols for machines, mats, and other large, shared pieces of equipment. 
  • Shower right away after exercise, using your own bar soap or if you have to share soap, it should be liquid. 
  • Wash your uniform or workout clothes before wearing them again. 


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