66% of American adults have ever heard the word sepsis. Although this is more than most previous years as per the annual Sepsis Alliance survey, that leaves many who still don’t know what sepsis is. With more than 350,000 lives lost per year, sepsis ranks as the third leading cause of death in the U.S. (after heart disease and cancer). Using data by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), sepsis would rank higher than chronic lower respiratory diseases, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and accidental deaths. There are more than
1.7 million cases of sepsis every year and survivors often face long-term effects post-sepsis, including amputations, anxiety, memory loss, chronic pain and fatigue, and more. Almost 60% of sepsis survivors experience worsened cognitive (mental) and/or physical function. Many sepsis survivors also require rehospitalization.
Over 62% of people who had a primary diagnosis of sepsis (the reason why they were hospitalized in the first place) who had to be readmitted to the hospital were rehospitalized within 30 days of first leaving the hospital. And among children,
almost half who have had severe sepsis end up being hospitalized again. Sepsis is also the most expensive in-hospital condition in the U.S., costing an estimated
$62 billion each year, counting just acute care in-hospital and skilled nursing costs.