Sepsis Awareness Month Proclamations 2024

Proclamations are official documents, issued by governors, that bring attention to issues of statewide importance. You can get involved this Sepsis Awareness Month by asking your governor for a proclamation recognizing September as Sepsis Awareness Month.

Continue reading to learn how to request a Sepsis Awareness Month proclamation in your state!

Has your state issued a 2024 Sepsis Awareness Month proclamation?

Has issued a 2024 proclamation

Has not issued a 2024 proclamation

Has issued a 2024 government document (non-proclamation)

How to Submit a Proclamation Request

In most states, you will need to fill out a web form on your Governor’s website to request a Sepsis Awareness Month proclamation. Below, find step-by-step instructions for filling out this form.

1. Find your Governor’s web form

On the Proclamation Deadlines and Web Forms page, you will find a link to your governor’s web form quickly and easily.

Please note: a few states do not provide web forms for proclamation requests. If this is the case where you live, please use the contact form on your governor’s website to share that you would like to submit a proclamation request. You can use the following text:


I am a resident of [YOUR STATE], I am writing to inquire about requesting a gubernatorial proclamation. I would like to formally request that Governor [GOVERNOR’S LAST NAME] issue a proclamation recognizing September 2024 as Sepsis Awareness Month, to raise awareness of sepsis throughout our state. Although sepsis is the number one cause of death and cost of care in U.S. hospitals, only 15% of U.S. adults can name the signs and symptoms. Sepsis Awareness Month is an annual opportunity to educate and prevent future loss of life.

Please advise on next steps for submitting a formal proclamation request. Thank you for your time and your assistance.



2. Check your state’s deadline

Find your state’s proclamation deadline on the Proclamation Deadlines and Web Forms page. Be sure to submit your request within the timeframe specified!

3. Fill out your contact information

The web form will prompt you to fill out your personal contact information. Make sure to use an in-state address – your governor’s office will want to make sure you live in the state where you’re submitting a request.

4. Fill out organization information

Often, a governor’s office will require an organization to be associated with your request. Sometimes this is called a “requesting organization” or a “sponsoring organization.” If that is the case where you live, fill out any of Sepsis Alliance’s information that you are prompted to include.

  • Name: Sepsis Alliance
  • Address: 3180 University Avenue, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92104
  • Phone Number: (619) 232-0300
  • Email:
  • EIN: 38-3110993
  • Website:
  • Description/background: Sepsis Alliance is the nation’s first and leading sepsis education and advocacy organization, working in all 50 states to save lives and reduce suffering from sepsis. Sepsis Alliance is a GuideStar Platinum Rated charity and a tax-exempt organization under Sections 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

If you are prompted to describe your own title or affiliation with the organization, please write “Advocate.”

5. Fill out the proclamation details

Next, fill out the details of the proclamation. Below are some fields you may be prompted to include.

  • Title of Proclamation: Sepsis Awareness Month
  • Date of Proclamation/Date of Observance: September 1, 2024 – September 30, 2024 (month-long observance). If your web form only allows you to select one date, select September 1, 2024.
  • Deadline for Proclamation (sometimes called the “Delivery Date”): September 1, 2024
  • Purpose/Description of Proclamation: Sepsis Awareness Month will help to raise awareness of sepsis throughout our state. Although sepsis is the number one cause of death and cost of care in U.S. hospitals, only 15% of U.S. adults can name the signs and symptoms. Each September, Sepsis Awareness Month provides an annual opportunity to educate and prevent future loss of life.
  • Draft Language/Whereas Clauses: Please copy and paste the below text exactly as written!

Whereas, September has been nationally recognized as Sepsis Awareness Month by Sepsis Alliance to bring awareness to sepsis, the body’s life-threatening response to infection, which can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death; and

Whereas, sepsis affects 1.7 million Americans and takes 350,000 adult lives every year in the United States; and

Whereas, each year, more than 75,000 children in the United States develop severe sepsis and 6,800 of these children die; and

Whereas, sepsis is the number one cost of hospitalization in the U.S., with costs for acute sepsis hospitalization and skilled nursing estimated to be $62 billion annually; and

Whereas, on average, sepsis survivors have a shortened life expectancy, are more likely to suffer from an impaired quality of life, and often experience after-effects such as amputations (14,000 per year in the United States) and post-sepsis syndrome; and

Whereas, communities that have historically lacked access to high-quality healthcare experience a disproportionate burden of sepsis-related suffering; and

Whereas, sepsis is the second-leading cause of pregnancy-related mortality in the United States; and

Whereas, the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance is steadily increasing the frequency of sepsis cases; and

Whereas, despite the severe danger and widespread occurrence of this illness, a survey conducted by Sepsis Alliance found that less than 15% of U.S. adults can identify the symptoms of sepsis; and

Whereas, the signs of sepsis can be remembered with the mnemonic “TIME,” which stands for “Temperature,” “Infection,” “Mental decline,” and “Extremely ill”; and

Whereas, awareness of the signs and symptoms of sepsis along with rapid diagnosis and treatment of sepsis can save lives and improve outcomes for sepsis survivors; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that we hereby recognize September as Sepsis Awareness Month.


  • Note: Some web form limit the number of characters, words, or clauses that the draft proclamation language can include. If that is the case where you live, please copy and paste the below shortened version of the proclamation language.

Whereas, September has been nationally recognized as Sepsis Awareness Month to bring awareness to sepsis, the body’s life-threatening response to infection, which can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death; and

Whereas, sepsis affects 1.7 million Americans and takes the lives of 350,000 adults and 6,800 children every year in the U.S.; and

Whereas, sepsis is the #1 cost of hospitalization in the U.S., at $62 billion annually; and

Whereas, sepsis survivors are more likely to suffer from an impaired quality of life; and

Whereas, despite the dangers of sepsis, only 15% of U.S. adults can identify the symptoms. These can be remembered with the mnemonic “TIME”: “Temperature,” “Infection,” “Mental decline,” and “Extremely ill”; and

Whereas, awareness of the signs of sepsis along with rapid diagnosis and treatment can save lives and improve outcomes for survivors; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that we hereby recognize September as Sepsis Awareness Month.

6. Click submit!

Click submit, and you’re done!

With any questions about this process, please email us at

Proclamation Deadlines and Web Forms

Click below to find your state’s proclamation deadline and web form.

Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about Sepsis Awareness Month and proclamations? Get started here.

What is Sepsis Awareness Month, and why is it important?

In 2011, Sepsis Alliance designated September as Sepsis Awareness Month. Every September since, we’ve invited individuals, healthcare professionals in every area of medicine, and organizations big and small to help save lives by raising awareness of the leading cause of death in U.S. hospitals: sepsis.

Sepsis is the body’s life-threatening response to infection. It affects 1.7 million people and takes 350,000 adult lives in the U.S. every year – more than from prostate cancer, breast cancer, and opioid overdose combined. By raising awareness of this deadly condition, we can increase understanding of its signs and symptoms and the need for urgent action, helping to save lives.

Learn more about Sepsis Awareness Month at

What is a Sepsis Awareness Month proclamation?

At the state level, governors have the power to issue proclamations for observances, commemorations, and other occasions. These proclamations bring attention to issues of statewide importance. As part of our larger Sepsis Awareness Month efforts, we encourage advocates to ask their governors to issue proclamations naming September as Sepsis Awareness Month at the state level.

It is thanks to the hard work of sepsis advocates all across the country that as many as 40 states have now recognized the observance over the years!

Should I wait until September to submit my request?

Most states require at least a few weeks to process proclamations requests. Since Sepsis Awareness Month is a month-long observance beginning September 1, we recommend getting requests in well before September.

You can check your state’s deadline here.

My state issued a Sepsis Awareness Month proclamation last year. Do I need to go through the proclamation request process again?

Yes – proclamations only cover the year in which they are issued. They need to be renewed every year.

What are the deadlines I need to pay attention to?

Every state sets different deadlines for its proclamations. You can check your state’s proclamation deadline here. Be sure to check your state’s deadline and submit your request within the timeframe specified!

How else can I get involved this Sepsis Awareness Month?

Your involvement doesn’t have to end once your proclamation is secured! After securing a proclamation from your governor, a great next step is outreaching to media outlets in your area. Click here to share your story with local media!

There are many other activities for raising sepsis awareness this September, including the Sepsis Superhero Challenge, social media campaigns, and more! Please visit for information on all the ways to get involved.