Maternal Sepsis Week: May 11-17, 2025

Help Us Raise Awareness to Save Mothers and Birthing People

Maternal sepsis is a life-threatening medical emergency defined as organ dysfunction resulting from infection during pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, or the postpartum period. Neonatal sepsis describes sepsis in an infant’s first 28 days of life.

Maternal Sepsis Week is an annual observance to raise awareness of the unique signs and symptoms of maternal and neonatal sepsis. We dedicate this week to sharing survivors’ personal experiences, remembering the loved ones lost to maternal sepsis, and remembering the young lives lost to neonatal sepsis.

Each year Maternal Sepsis Week is observed the week of Mother’s Day.

Join Sepsis Alliance in raising awareness of maternal sepsis to save mothers and birthing people. Keep reading to learn how.

Sepsis Alliance recognizes that not all birthing people identify as mothers. We are continuing to evaluate terminology to be inclusive of all experiences.


Three Moms Share Their Stories

Amanda’s Story

Kayleigh’s Story

Maile’s Story

Share your #MaternalSepsisStory

If you experienced maternal sepsis share your story using the #MaternalSepsisStory hashtag on social media. When you share your sepsis story you help raise awareness and help others who have had similar experiences know that they are not alone. It can be as simple as a Facebook post, or it can be a creative video on Instagram. Your story could help save the life of a mom.

Remember to tag Sepsis Alliance at @SepsisAlliance.

Did You Know?

  • Maternal sepsis causes at least 261,000 maternal deaths every year worldwide.
  • A recent analysis of delivery hospitalizations and postpartum readmissions in the U.S. found that 23% of in-hospital deaths were related to sepsis.
  • Black women are 3.3 times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than white women in the U.S. Native American and Native Alaskan women are 2.5 times more likely to die than white women.
  • The number of cases of maternal sepsis is increasing. One study of the National Inpatient Sample, a national database, reported a 10% annual increase in cases of maternal severe sepsis and sepsis-related deaths in the U.S. between 1998 and 2008.
  • More than 50% of women who die from sepsis have one or more chronic co-occurring conditions, including chronic renal (kidney) disease, chronic liver disease, and congestive heart failure

*A complete list of references is included in this downloadable fact sheet.



You Can Help Save Moms

You can help save moms by raising awareness of maternal sepsis. Click the boxes below to learn the different ways you can get involved

Maternal Sepsis Fact Sheet

Download this sheet and share the facts

Pregnancy and Childbirth Information Guide

Download, print, and share this Information Guide with new and soon-to-be parents.


Pregnancy & Childbirth

  • To submit this form you are required to enter your first name, last name, a valid email address and your role.

Maternal Sepsis Infographic Poster

Download this infographic poster. You can post it to your website, or print it and display it.

Start a Facebook Fundraiser

Help us continue providing educational materials by clicking below to start a Facebook fundraiser in honor of the parent in your life.

Get Started

Infographics to Share

Spread the word – #MaternalSepsisWeek

Click on the below infographics to download and share them with your social media community. Remember to hashtag #MaternalSepsisWeek and tag @SepsisAlliance when you do.




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**Click here for more information on usage regulations.

Sepsis: Pregnancy and Childbirth Video



History of Maternal Sepsis Week

Sepsis Alliance launched Maternal Sepsis Day in 2019. In 2020, we expanded Maternal Sepsis Day into an entire week. Maternal Sepsis Week will be observed the week of Mother’s Day.