Maximize the impact of your gift! Many companies will match your donation to 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations like Sepsis Alliance. Ask your employer, and then complete the necessary paperwork to have your gift matched. Donors who submitted matching gift requests helped raise an additional $20,000 for Sepsis Alliance programs last year!
Use the following information to complete your form:
Name: Sepsis Alliance
Address: 3180 University Avenue, Suite 310, San Diego, CA 92104
EIN: 38-3110993
Did you know you can double your support for Sepsis Alliance, without even giving a dollar more? You can if your employer participates in our Matching Gifts Program.
Many corporations match employee donations (or the tax deductible component of your membership) to our organization.
If you volunteer with us, your employer may also provide us with a grant as a way to recognize your ongoing support.
Please search for your company above, and thanks for checking to see if your company offers these programs!