Trevor Buckmaster


Went in on Tuesday 9/3rd 2024 because my son had a deer tick on his back. The ER doctor sent us away because there was no bull’s-eye on his back. He said if he gets high fever get back to the ER. Sunday 9/8/24 we headed back into the ER because Trevor had a high fever. The doctor started treating him with Tylenol and amoxacillin. His heart was working over time because of the high fever. Trevor was back to himself.

Doctor want to see if he could find a bed. I said no, if he has another high temperature we head to Children’s because he is only 3 and he was ready to get out of the hospital.

Got home maybe hour went by and he start shaking and seizures puking. Called 911 went to Children’s and they made us wait over four hours before we even saw a doctor. When we saw the doctor, told her our story, she down played everything. Said it’s viral and was stuck on Covid. I said my son had many virals and has never acted like this. Not normal at all. Showed her the deer tick picture. Finally she ran another blood test. Found out there was bacteria in his blood. Give him Rocephin through his IV and sent us on our way. Thank Jesus I didn’t stop bring the tick bite up. Just waiting to see what comes back from lab.

Source: Sarah Buckmaster (mom)

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