Susan Rogo

Hi there, my name is Susan and I am a Survivor of Sepsis.
November 14, 2019 I spent the evening before in severe pain . The next morning I managed to drive myself to work. I knew something was terribly wrong my heart was racing it was difficult for me to breathe and I truly felt I was passing away. The pain in my stomach was unbearable.
Once I arrived at work my coworkers took one look at me and asked me what was wrong. An hour later my assistant teacher insisted I go to the hospital. I was rushed to the ER.
Scared and shaking, the ER doctor told me I had diverticulitis and poison was flowing through my intestines and if I had not come in I would be dead by the evening. I was terrified I needed surgery within an hour to save my life.
I had exploratory surgery through my abdomen and they told me I would be able to go home in a week. But within a few days I was dying again. My next surgery was a week later I had a 7 hour surgery to remove my gallbladder, my appendix, and part of my colon. I awoke to a colostomy bag attached to my stomach. Straight out of surgery I had congestive heart failure. I then went into septic shock which nobody even told me. After saving me yet again I awoke with six drains attached to my body where the poison would be collected. (Sepsis and Septic Shock)
After the surgery I would spend 2 straight months in the hospital. The pain I felt was unexplainable. The fear I don’t think I’ll ever forget the fear I felt. Then the hallucinations came in both visual and auditory. (Sepsis and Hallucinations) Next I went into a deep psychosis for about 2 weeks. Once I came out of that horrific nightmare. I then had to learn how to survive as a colostomy patient. I also had to learn how to walk again with the help of a physical therapist and walker. I went from a vibrant happy fit woman to a walking skeleton. 1 year later I had my colostomy reversed. It was the saddest year of my life to live alone at home so sick sick and unsure of what I went through.
I didn’t have anyone explain to me what sepsis was. I had no idea of the after affects and the post traumatic things I would have to deal with. Memory loss, absentmindedness, weakness, flashbacks, even suicidal thoughts and more.
I am forever grateful that I came across Sepsis Alliance! Because of your mission to inform the world I finally have learned that the things I’m experiencing are real and then I’m not crazy. I truly thought I was losing my mind and thanks to your persistence, eagerness and true compassion for others I am finally taking the steps needed to heal both physically, mentally and spiritually. Thank you from the bottom of my heart❤️