Stacy Brockway
It was on Father’s Day 2019 when I was brought into the ER from a local urgent care. In the ER no one could figure out what was causing my body to go into septic shock, they were more focused on my unstable vitals and trying to raise my blood pressure up since it was 70/30. (Sepsis and Septic Shock)
Eventually, I was in the ICU where they found out I had an infected gall bladder that caused my body to undergo septic shock. I stayed in the ICU for 7 days, recovering from surgery and still fighting off sepsis. When I left the hospital, I thought things would go back to normal. Instead, I spent the next year in and out of the hospital, constantly being sick. Since going through septic shock I have participated in two annual superhero challenges and have been spreading the word of sepsis awareness. If it was not for my mom dragging me into urgent care that morning, I wouldn’t be here sharing my story for a third year with everyone. I am thankful for Sepsis Alliance being able to make such an impact and spread awareness across the US.