Stacey Clegg

In January of 2016 I began to fall ill. Over the past few months, my health had deteriorated. I was admitted to accident and emergency over two different trusts and no health practitioner could identify with my symptoms: dizzy, lower back pain, weakness in my thighs. It was suggested I was to be referred to spinal as the physiotherapy consultant suggested I may have cauda equina, a serious condition and should it left, can result in a wheel chair.
I had weeks of appointments, both in my GP surgery and in different hospital trusts and was discharged with medications.
Fast forward to May 22nd, 2016, I was rushed into hospital. I telephoned a friend (I have barely no memory of this conversation), saying “I feel like I am going to die”.
I spent weeks in hospital in resuss and on the acute medical unit (AMU), receiving round the clock care, on an intrevenous and received 4 blood transfusions: my blood count was 3! I am lucky to be alive.
Once my levels were stable, I went to theatre to have an emergency endoscopy, which showed a perforated ulcer causing a GI bleed, commonly found in the stomach or duodenum. I received ongoing treatment including a medicine, physiotherapy and dietary needs.
Post sepsis, I have received PTSD psychotherapy; learning my new body, life and my current chronic illness (M.E. and Raynaud’s), which strongly link back to sepsis. (Sepsis and Autoimmune Diseases)
Since sepsis my life has changed. I was a successful actress and model and rarely took medication. I learn daily about my new body and although it has taken over three years to accept the new me, it can be very challenging. I actively speak about sepsis and sepsis 6 protocol, and I wish to start fundraising this year to help with more research to help save lives.
Instagram: sepsisstacey
facebook: sepsis stacey