Rachel Goney


On 12/15/2021 I began my journey through sepsis. Let me go back about a week prior to that date I told my husband I felt like I was dying inside. I went to see my doctor on 12/9/2021. For pain in my lower back, shooting around to my left hip and down my leg. She listened to my lungs, took my vitals and diagnosed me with a slipped disc. No X-rays, no blood work, just prescribed pain meds and steroids.

Well on the 15th I tried to get up and use the restroom. But when I tried to stand my legs didn’t work. I fell to the floor and relieved myself (I had lost control over my bladder). I woke my husband up by yelling let the dogs out and call an ambulance. When I arrived at the hospital I was being treated like a drug seeker. I was crying in excruciating pain. Buy they did bloodwork and found I had 3 different infections (staphylococcus, E. coli, I can never remember the 3rd) and was septic. (Sepsis and Bacterial Infections) Turned out I had 2 large abscesses 1 on my lower spine and 1 on my hip. The abscesses had also developed yeast (which I guess is very hard to treat). (Sepsis and Fungal Infections) My knee replacement was also infected and damaged.

I ended up having 13 surgeries in the 3 months I spent in the hospital. 11 on my back, 1 on my hip and one to remove my knee replacement and put in a cement block. I have since had 3 additional surgeries, 1 year later to put my replacement back in (I was in a wheelchair for that year) and 2 on my back to put in a spinal cord stimulator. 2 years and 3 months later. I’m still struggling to walk, but I’m walking, struggle to do my household stuff, but it does get done. I was even able to dance a bit with my son at his wedding in October. My thanks goes to God, my husband, my parents, my children, the people who prayed for me (some didn’t even know me). My biggest thanks goes to my medical team, they never gave up on me and saving my life.

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