Petra Haans


I didn’t feel good for a long time. I went to the hospital three times but they didn’t take me seriously and sent me away. I had so much pain!
Because they didn’t took me seriously, I started to doubt myself.
But there was so much stress and pain.
Not so many days later the ambulance came and took me to the hospital, they let me be more and more sick, threw up blood. I was in a coma already.
Where the doctors let me threw up blood for two days before they started to do medical research on me.
Because of all this stress, panic and medical researches it became to much.
I had septic shock.
One moment I was alive, I had my eyes open.
And the other moment I was in a coma.
My intestinal contents leaked into my body

I had a bowel perforation because my gastric band had started to slide over my intestine.
(Sepsis and Bowel Perforation) My intestinal contents went into my abdomen. I was slowly poisoned as the bacteria entered my blood stream.
My organs were shutting down.
In 2 weeks that I was in a coma I had 2 cardiac arrests, a lung embolism, a colonic embolism. My family was called for two weeks because they thought I would not make it. Your body is going to try to supply your heart and brain with blood and that pulls blood away from your arms and legs. As a result, my lower legs were amputated in my coma because they became gangrenous. I experienced a terrible 8 weeks in intensive care. I have been in the hospital for 5 months. I have been operated about 40 times.

Normally you would not survive this. Also they could no longer make my stomach and intestines together because it was so damaged. I have not been able to eat for almost a year. After 2 weeks I woke up and I couldnt move anything. I could not talk. I was kept alive by the equipment.
But when I could say something again, the first thing I said was: I’m going to walk again.
It does not matter how long it takes.
It does not matter how much I have to do for it. I am going to learn to walk again.
I have had such an incredible pain. I had to wait another 8 months for the operation to make my stomach and intestines go again, but my fingers would be amputated as well. I have had so much fear.

all the first times were scary.

Breathing for the first time, sit, eat, things that are normal.
But I went through it, as long as I knew they were going to take me further and I wanted to continue.
Fear hurts, the strength to go through the pain every minute hurts.
Letting the fear win would have been so much easier.
But no successful story is written by choosing the easiest way

A success story consists of willpower, perseverance, keeping constant hope, showing courage. To be able to make your dreams come true. I dared to dream dreams the moment the future was uncertain Everything was gone, my house, my relationship, my body, my life.

And there at that moment between hope and fear, at that moment when nothing becomes as it was. You are not sure to exist, the fear and pain are unbearable. There are goals, high goals. And high goals show your path very clearly. Your way to the future. I decided to opt for the future. I wanted to make this a success story. Success comes by refusing to give up
and I started walking the first time I stood on a prosthesis. It was a fight, from only my eyes can flash to this. But I decided to win this fight. If you lose everything, even the most primary, teach you to trust. You have to rely only on yourself. The power within you. If fear overcomes, then you are lost. I knew that everything would pass, it would be different. I had a trust from the inside, Every victory, I have had a big one, but also small gave me hope for the future. They were steps to life, to happiness

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