Molly G.

Christmas Day 2013 I woke up not feeling good. I had been fighting horrible back pain for almost a year so it wasn’t unusual. We were supposed to join relatives for the day but we canceled so I went up to bed. A little later I tried to go downstairs for water but stumbled and when husband ask how I was I could only mumble. At that point he packed me up and took me to ER.
They did not see any signs of illness except my mental state and high temperature. They began antibiotic IV and decided to intubate me. They told my husband I might not survive. After seven I days I was removed from the coma I was in. After I became clear enough to communicate I told them about the back pain I had been having. An MRI was done and an infection was found in my spine. (Sepsis and Bacterial Infections) Now they knew how to treat me and I was home within 5 days with an IV of antibiotics running 24 hours a day. I have recovered though I do not have the strength or mental clarity I previously had and have been left susceptible to another infections. 3 years later I contracted sepsis from a dog bite and lost the use of my right hand. (Sepsis and Animal Bites) I just didn’t know what I was dealing with. Be aware and act quickly if you suspect sepsis.