Michael Mark

My father was diagnosed in October with having a weak heart. For the next 4 months he was admitted into the hospital every month for at least one week. The end of January, I walked into my father’s room finding him laying there but his face was blue. I called 911 and he was rushed to the hospital.
He was initially diagnosed with pneumonia, then viral pneumonia, then sepsis. (Sepsis and Pneumonia) With a surprise, his heart function went from 40% back to 90%. He did recover from sepsis while in the hospital. The doctors stopped his IVs. He was scheduled to come home then two days later when I walked into his hospital room to pick him up to come home I find him non coherent and almost flat lined. The hospital quickly started an a line and brought him back but it was then that he was diagnosed with sepsis shock, colitis, perforated bowel. (Sepsis and Septic Shock, Sepsis and Perforated Bowel) His body was so weak he lost over 20 lbs with his 6 week hospital stay. 2 days later my father passed away with his grandkids, kids and family by his side. This is a pain I can not even begin to describe.
Source: Kristan Mark (Daughter)