Michael Hardrick

Dr XXXX, l am the widow of Michael the patient that you so intentionally forgot about because you had a patient die. I want you to know that l was married to my husband for 40 years. I so loved him l cared for him and he cared for me. We had children together, a daughter and 2 sons. Our children gave us grandchildren that we truly adored but because of your failure, negligence and your pity on yourself because you had another patient die, my husband did not get to see his 8th grandchild.
I felt for that family but you have to continue treating the living. I begged and l prayed for a doctor to watch over my husband, medicate him, treat him the way you would have treated your own family in critical condition (sepsis as I know now), including the nurses and administration but I got the wrong staff.
I saw my husband going through pain. l saw my husband not being able to breathe, tears running down his face not able to talk as he could not even close his eyes to sleep. He knew those monitors were not going to set off an alarm for help when his blood pressure dropped and his breathing would stop. And indeed he was right. Michael was found unresponsive, no blood pressure. no pulse, just a nurse changing his bandage and chatting to Michael like there was no tomorrow.
But there was no response from Michael and no monitor alarms going off in the room and throughout the hospital. Michael’s nurse asked me when was the last time I spoke to him as his eyes were dilated and he had no body movements. I screamed and the nurse called Code Blue. I still wasn’t aware he had sepsis or was in acute respiratory failure, septic shock and organ failure. Not a word from anyone but we found a pulse and his blood pressure back. Let’s intubate him!
I really feel that no one knew what he had and doctor you surely didn’t treat him like he was dying no antibiotics but a tube down his throat and blood drooling out the mouth due to what we found out later was a tooth that was uprooted by the force of the tube down his throat. I was given that tooth to keep as a souvenir as they found it while cleaning out his mouth 2 days later.
I asked for help from you and the hospital to transport him to a hospital who knew what he needed, a pulmonologist and quality medical care. But l didn’t get that until it was too late and on his 8th code by administration. My husband was not able to eat, drink and was literally wasting away, bedsores, purple feet, mottled, pale and Capsaicin cream (Cayenne red pepper to warm the feet caused anaphylactic shock). All you did doctor was watch him deteriorate without guilt. (If only l knew the signs of sepsis)
Source: valerie hardrick widow