Mateo Rodriguez-Limon


My son Mateo went septic a month before his 2nd birthday. He complained of a pain in his knee and after a 6 hour visit to our local hospital with no outcome we took him to to the children’s hospital. They discovered osteomyelitis in his tibia and within hours he was in full septic shock.He had contracted strep A with no clue how he was not sick and he didn’t have any open wounds. (Sepsis and Group A Streptococcus, Sepsis and Septic Shock)

He spent the next 5 weeks in the PICU where they did multiple different treatments to save his failing organs but also his left hand and left leg. After many surgeries his doctors couldn’t save his left foot and a few finger tips on his left hand. We are so grateful for the doctors. They went above and beyond to save everything they could. After 104 days and 25 surgeries we left the hospital with our son happy ready to start his new journey in life.

Source: Mariah Rodriguez -Mother

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