Margie P.
My story as best as I remember and have been told:
This was me at the beginning of January after day surgery for kidney stones gone wrong. (Sepsis and Kidney Stones, Sepsis and Surgery) I was in a coma on life support with organ failure and given very little chance to survive. But my husband told everyone “you obviously don’t know her”. I’m a very determined person and have a wonderful God who has plans for me ?.
After a month in the hospital and then in rehab learning to walk again. I’ve lost all my hair, but thankfully it’s growing back. There’s been so much worse to deal with, pain, nightmares wanting to cry about everything, the body trying to get it self back to functioning properly. The wonderful thing is I’m here and thankful for everyone and everything ❤️?
Don’t ever give up, believe me I was there but now realize it too will pass.
Sending hugs and prayers to everyone dealing with this horrible illness ❤️?❤️?