Kiera W.


I had a surgery to help my hip dysplasia September 21, 2020. (Sepsis and Surgery) All was good until the weekend of October 4th. There was some redness and my hip was hot to the touch. I went to the ER and got put on antibiotics. October 6th, I woke up and was not myself at all. I was weak, nauseous, and just didn’t feel good. I had an appointment prior to this and went to the doctor.

The doctor sent me down to the ER to be monitored. I was there for a couple of hours until my blood pressure tanked. I went to a trauma bay and was given pressors to keep my blood pressure up song with antibiotics. An MRI was performed and it showed that there was an abscess near my surgical site. Thankfully, it was removed in time. I had a total of three surgeries to debride the tissue. I was told if no one advocated for me, I would have died at home. It was a really rough experience. I was so terrified. I am coming up on the 1 year anniversary of the day I went septic. Now I am proud to call myself a sepsis survivor!

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