Kerri Miller-Carlson
I have mold in my apartment. I had no clue it was taking over. First gallbladder/sepis. The hospital says we get some insulin for your diabetes. I said what diabetes? No response. My family doesn’t get it till they are much older. I was 48. No one not once questioned why I was so shocked.
6 months later, emergency surgery for very large ovarian clear cell cyst that almost ended my life as it gave no warning or pain until it did. Still so sick and trying to get medical care where they believe you is so hard. I have been to the only one I can see over and over with symptoms. She does nothing. She finally ordered an MRI the middle of November 2022. I am in so much pain, that the only thing I can do is pray.
Wednesday before Thanksgiving break at closing, she has nurse call me tell me everything’s fine. I spent the long weekend crying in so much pain. Every time I would step it felt like my body was cracking open. Nurse emails me are you ok? Yeah nothing new just pain like always. Oh ok. Week or so later I was able to get into portal and the radiologist report says tumor, arthritis and sepsis. My doctor left me to die. The hospital left me to die. I moved out of mold apartment January 1 2023.
Still fighting mold fevers low temps and so much more. Have pictures that blow peoples minds. But the doctor and her office put me off knowing they are my only medical care within my reach without a car. Until March. I am lost. I am a warrior and I am still fighting but scared this disable women is being mistreated by bias with no other help in my reach. Pictures is October 29 2022, then January 20 2023