Juanita Marie Tafoya

My sister Juanita Marie Tafoya, 39yr old female, passed away September 3, 2021 from sepsis. My sister was young and healthy. She went in for an ovarian cyst removal, my sister went and came home from the “cyst drain”not a cyst removal like they said. (Sepsis and Surgery) She started getting sick… fever, and bad pelvic pain. I remember my sister being bent over her bed because she said the pain felt better like that.
She went back and they did exploratory abdominal surgery that see why my sis wasn’t recovering. They went back in a 2nd time and my sis was cut from the bottom of her sternum to the top of her private area. The second time, they discovered the doctor who did the initial cyst drain” perforated my sisters bowel so my sis was all infected inside and had to get a colostomy bag. (Sepsis and Perforated Bowel) My sister hated that thing. We struggled to finally get the colostomy bag to work and drain correctly. It was hard for my sister to accept. She just kept getting recurring infections and they had a hard time finding antibiotics for my sisters infection. She was in and out of different hospitals and rehabs for 6months.
My sister started getting cuts on her legs from lack of oxygen and organ failure, so much😔My sister fought the whole way. But my sisters body was tired and she passed leaving a 15yr old son. Her only son, her whole world. My sister was our family’s rock our stone and she passed. But she showed me what strength is and for my sister I will do anything and I remain strong for her like she showed me to be by example. I love you Sister. Rest In peace with the Lord Sister, Juanita M. Tafoya Degadillo. Love your baby sister Adrenna.
Source: Adrenna, sister