Jim G.

My name is Jim, and after reading some of the other survivor and tribute stories, I’m almost embarrassed to share mine. But in the interest of education for anyone who may read it, here goes.
Background: I have had a series of TURPs (prostate surgery). Also of note, my normal temp is 97.6.
Oct 11, 2023: I had a TURP with injection of steroids to (hopefully) prevent scar tissue. I was sent home with a Foley catheter and 3 days of ABs (antibiotics). (Sepsis and Invasive Devices)
Oct 17: I noticed a tiny amount of pus around the catheter, which was removed the same morning. I mentioned the pus and was given 2 AB pills.
Oct 18: I felt great and did home projects all day. In the evening I felt spent and achy , which I attributed to the day’s labor. About 8:30 I woke with violent chills and wet sheets. Tylenol and hot shower helped. Fever then spiked to 102.1. More chills and Tylenol and I got thru the night.
Oct 19: Temp 99.1. Felt okay and did more projects, but now had pain in the prostate area. By 7PM pain was worse, and temp was 99.6. Off to ER. Upon arrival, chills again, and intense pain. Urine sample was GROSS – cloudy with pus. That meant UTI. Got fluids, ABs, morphine, saline, CAT scan. Temp 101.1. Admitted to hospital. I still had no idea what I was dealing with. Got broad spectrum ABs while waiting on urine culture. (Sepsis and Urinary Tract Infections)
Oct 20: Spent all day in a stupor. Intense pain, fever, chills and gas, which turned out to be important. Infectious disease (ID) doc ordered blood culture. Uh oh. Starting to get scary.
Oct 21: Feeling awful. Urine culture positive for the bacteria serratia marcescens. AB changed to cefepime. Now having blood sugar checked. Restless and in pain all day.
Oct 22: ID doc visits and says AB is appropriate. Pain is better, but now wobbly and foggy, which I attributed to pain meds.
Oct 23: ID doc confirms serratia is in my blood. Going home, but will need IV ABs for at least two weeks. Left hospital weak, wobbly, foggy, and scared. Then I found sepsis.org, and only then did I realize how lucky I was. My fears were also greatly reduced because now I had detailed info on what was going on.
Oct 24: Heading to ID doc for ABs and instructions. Still wobbly and foggy. But oh so thankful. My daughter, her husband, and my 19-month old grandson live with me. After reading other stories here, I know that had I not gone to the ER when I did, I would have been in very deep water. We still have to kill the bacteria in my blood, but by pure luck it has zero resistance to the antibiotic, so I should be okay.
I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH how CRITICAL it is to get to the ER if you have the TIME symptoms. I only had mild sepsis -and as I read the other stories here I’m so grateful to have gotten help when I did. Sepsis is not to be trifled with. I am dismayed that there was NO education about this during ANY of the 5 TURPs I’ve had, since I had a catheter every time, and that’s where the infection came from. Thank you, Sepsis Alliance, for being here and helping spread the word. Believe me, I’ll be doing the same. Good luck to all the other survivors, and I ache for all of those who have been permanently changed, and for those who lost loved ones to sepsis.