Jerome McGovern

I had laparoscopic gallbladder removal on Jan 18, 2008. After remaining in the hospital for a week, they sent me home Jan. 25th. I was rushed back to the hospital a few hours after my discharge with severe stomach pain. (Sepsis and Surgery)
I came to find out they nicked my bile duct during the surgery and my blood stream filled with bile. My body developed severe sepsis.
I was put on a ventilator for three weeks, which I do not remember. When I did wake up, there was a 12-inch cut across my stomach. I did not remember very much of anything – including my own name.
Now three years later and 80 pounds less, my health is horrible. It hurts to walk. It hurts to eat. It still hurts to the touch. I was a healthy strong man before this surgery. Now no doctor will touch me. They tell me my pain has no cause. I am depressed. I suffer from anxiety issues and have post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) and I do not know what to do. I am 52 years old and feel like my life has been stolen from me. (Sepsis and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)