Elizabeth Spencer

On January 26, 2018 I woke my husband up because I was having consistent contractions. I was 39 weeks pregnant and our son was finally trying to make his arrival. We headed to the hospital to begin the best day of our lives.
After arriving, we were admitted to labor and delivery. A few hours passed and I opted to have an epidural. My blood pressure dropped and my heart rate was sky high. My midwife administered meds to get my BP up since this is something that can happen after having an epidural. The medication did not work so she gave a second dose. Things were still looking bad and our son’s heart rate was also dropping extremely low. She knew something was “not right” and immediately ordered antibiotics through IV. (Sepsis and Pregnancy & Childbirth)
My epidural was turned off and we completed the delivery of our gorgeous son. He was born with an extremely low heart rate and had some respiratory distress. NICU swooped him away to get his lungs opened up. He was also started on IV antibiotics. Blood cultures were ordered and labs were done. We were quickly informed that I had sepsis by the OB doctor. My husband and I had no clue what sepsis was or how dangerous it is. We did our own research and saw several teams of doctors. I was in the MIU 4 days and was moved to postpartum the 5th day when my blood labs came back with normal numbers. My son, thankfully, only suffered the low HR and respiratory distress from the event.
I was informed things could have taken a turn and been lethal for me and our son if I had not received the antibiotics when I did. We were told by several doctors that there is a 60% survival rate for patients suffering from sepsis. I still tear up at the thought that my family was that close to being torn apart. We are now home trying to get back into a normal schedule. I am still taking antibiotics orally and super thankful that I have the opportunity to share my own story and hopefully help someone else who may suffer.