Denise M.

March 15th, 2022.
Almost 1 yr ago. It started with emergency appendectomy! (Sepsis and Appendicitis, Sepsis and Surgery)
Infection lingered after so she was given ciprofloxacin 500mg. 5 pills in 2½ doses, allergic reaction happened, large sores between her legs. I later found out in those 3 days the cipro ravaged throughout her body and destroyed her liver!! It was 30 days later we find out her encephalopathy was due to 200+ ammonia levels LFTs all over the place.
My wife was a 15yr NICU Charge RN. Full of life with our 2 children at the age of 39. Healthy. Now with MSSA, witch led to sepsis. It was only mentioned 1 time in her records and never discussed, only liver failure from a toxic event. 30 more days, 4 hospital stays with no answers. It was decided to do a biopsy (worst decision made). she was bleeding internally w/signs . Sepsis took advantage of this and shock kicked in. 6 days on the vent is all we had.
Rip. D.M. 6/1/22 😢
Source: Husband (C.M.) 20yrs , 12 days