Denise Haven
I had a vaginal hysterectomy Oct 2006 I was 40. After the surgery I felt so sick, my family said I looked puffy. (Sepsis and Surgery) I was leaking lots of bowel but at the time I thought that was normal. They kept moving me from one floor to another.
4 days later after being so sick one doctor said I was in kidney failure and sent me to ACU. The next day they had to open me up to do exploratory surgery then another one day 6. I ended up in a coma in multiple organ failure doctors told my family I would not survive but I did after 7 more unnecessary surgeries with all sorts of bags and tubes attached to me. On IV nutrition the entire time I finally had a surgery to close the open wound in my stomach. (Sepsis and Perforated Bowel)
I thought I’d never be normal but they fixed all the issues removing so much bowel. Of course this was after my family moved to to UCSF thank goodness! I have muscle weakness, memory loss and nerve damage in my leg and foot but I’m alive and very grateful for my life!