Dawn G.

My mum was 56, worked every day and one day was sent home from work poorly. She thought she had a bug so stayed in bed for a few days but didn’t tell anyone. I got a text from her husband saying he was concerned. When I got there I knew it was serious the way she looked and drove her straight to A&E, where she stayed.
They said she had severe dehydration, a burst ulcer, and that she had e-coli and sepsis. She spent xmas and new year there and then was finally allowed home with a drain and antibiotics but no home care, no bed. She couldn’t walk. She had no strength at all.
After I got her a home GP visit, they told us she was ok and not to force her to eat. 2 weeks being home she called me to go get her dressed because she was going back to hospital. She didn’t feel right . They put two drains in, explained they would put a feeding tube in. I got a text from her asking me to help her. She was scared and having illusions. When I got there she couldn’t breathe properly.
I spoke to a doctor who wasn’t aware her drain had fallen out and said he was giving her a day of rest: no blood tests, nothing, no feeding tube. The nurse asked me what her stats are normally at?? Like I would know!! She went to sleep that night and when they went in to do checks early morning she was unresponsive. They put her cause of death as E. coli and sepsis. I believe she was home too early and not given care but I also believe that if you’re ill you should never “see how I feel in a few days”. Life’s too short to play ball with your health.
Source: Daughter Natasha