Darren Greentree

I boarded a flight from Brisbane to Sydney.
Within one hour I experienced severe pain, like a muscle spasm in my up left leg and lower back.
2 hours later, I arrived in Sydney, I could hardly walk,
Called an ambulance that night at 3.30am, and they transported me to emergency.
The pain was excruciating. That night I also experienced vomiting and diarrhoea.
The emergency dept thought I had muscle spasm issues.
They gave me pain killers and let me go.
One day later back in Brisbane I went to my local doctor, once again misdiagnosed and sent me home.
Next day went to another doctor, this very thorough doctor took blood and urine tests.
Next day I drove myself to emergency, was admitted into hospital.
I experienced, red blotches on my skin, delirium, legs sore, very painful lower back.
Next day they sent me to ICU.
My diagnosis was a abscess in the epidural of my spine, the infection was Staphylococcus. (Sepsis and Bacterial Infections)
Sepsis occurred with 95% kidney and liver failure. (Sepsis and Kidney Failure)
Very close to dying over the course of 3 days.
I was very fit at the time without any other medical complications.
After 11 days in ICU, I was well enough to go to a hospital ward.
Stayed in hospital for one month. Took me another 8 months to be 95%.
I have no lingering effects from the sepsis.
Some people experience PTSD after ICU.
I do look back on the experience with challenging and also fond memories.
That’s my story.