Dannie Singleton

March 3rd, 2023, is a blur. I had a doctors appointment to get checked up before my wife and I went on our 15th anniversary weekend getaway. I was not feeling well all week, but I asked my wife to drive me which should have been an indication something was wrong on my part. My wife had to take me inside in a wheelchair because I couldn’t make it. The doctor thought I had a bug and told me to rest and relax.
My wife called my best friend who is a doctor and he coached her to take my blood pressure. She told him it was very low. He said if it drops any lower call the EMT. Well March 4th I was rushed to to hospital. I do not have any memory other than finally waking up around March 9th or 10th in the ICU. I did not know what the heck was going on but my wife was the first face I remember seeing and she explained that I had pneumonia and went into septic shock. (Sepsis and Pneumonia, Sepsis and Septic Shock)
They put a chest tube in me for a few days. Then came the news that I had an abscess on my right lung that needed to be removed to get all the fluid out. So I had a thoracotomy and while in there they found 2 other small abscesses. That was some of the most painful days of my life! Eventually I made it out of ICU and then step down. Rehab was where I had my work cut out because I was use to going to the gym and I found out I can’t do everything I use to do like walk or wipe my own behind. I was crushed and felt like such a burden on my wife and daughter. But my nurses and PT and OT personnel were amazing and after 42 days I walked out of the hospital and I sit here writing this as a survivor!
Thank God for my family and friends who stood as advocates for me when I could not. I still have rough days and especially nights, but I survived!