Danielle Amato

On January 31st, 2023 at 28, after suffering from an extremely sore throat, I went into septic shock and had toxic shock as well. All from strep throat, which I had never even had as a kid! (Sepsis and Strep Throat)
There’s arriving at the hospital and then about a 3 week gap in memory, replaced by bizarre dreams. My kidneys and heart both failed and I narrowly escaped needing ECMO. I was in the hospital and rehab for about four months. I had my right arm below the elbow amputated as well as my fingers and toes. Three months ago I got my myoelectric prosthetic and I have gained some independence back! That is the toughest part of my recovery- I was totally independent before this and now I need help with most of life. I love seeing people’s progress in their recovery because it gives me much needed hope!