Cheryl Larkin

I got sepsis after a massive tooth infection. (Sepsis and Dental Health) No one knew what was happening. I woke up in May of 2012 freezing and gasping for breath. We called 911 and I went into respiratory distress. I had a fever of 104.5. I was intubated and brought to a bigger hospital.
They kept me in a medically induced coma for a month where my liver was failing and my kidneys. My parents were told to plan my funeral. After a month my fever broke, right before they were going to put a trach in. When I awoke, I couldn’t move any limbs. I was in hospital for 9 months learning to walk, feed myself, brush my hair and everything all over again! One month of rehab and I was home….with drop foot and a brace and a walker but I was home. It’s been 11 years and I still have that brace and walker but I survived and I’m here.