Cerri Gore
Hello, my name is, Andrew… One of four children in my family… Carl, 35 (Older Brother); Deb, 33 (Older Sister), Andrew, 24 (That’s meee!); and then… well then there’s, Cerri… The youngest in the family, the baby and the one we’re all s’pose to protect. Let me tell you what happened to Cerri…
Cerri was a 20-year-old girl who had congenital hepatic fibrosis and polycystic kidneys.
She had previous drainage of a vulvar abscess and a pubic abscess in the weeks prior to her final admission to hospital. On 2nd September 2010, she was admitted to the RLH ( Royal Liverpool Hospital) feeling generally unwell. On the ward, she deteriorated. Her blood cultures grew staphylococcus aureus.
She was admitted to the intensive care unit on the 6th Sep 2010 with hepatic encephalopathy and respiratory failure.
She was intubated and mechanically ventilated. However, she went on to develop multiple organ failure fairly rapidly, requiring renal replacement therapy, inotropic support for her circulation, as well as established respiratory and central nervous system failure.
Her case was discussed extensively with the gastroenterologists at the RLH and with the liver transplant unit in Birmingham, who felt that her liver condition may have been contributory, but not causal of he disease, and that management in the liver unit would not affect her prognosis.
Unfortunately Cerri deteriorated relentlessly during her time in the intensive care unit. By the 24th Sep 2010, she was supported with maximal therapy of all systems. She developed seizures in the morning of 24th Sep. A CT scan performed at this time showed loss of grey-white differentiation and generalised cerebral oedema.
It was clear that Cerri would certainly die. The family was obviously distraught at the situation, so treatment was continued. However Cerri suffered a cardiac arrest from which she could not be resuscitated @ 05:25 hours on the 25th Sep 2010.
Source: by Drew (Cerri's brother)