Amy L.

My name is Amy and I’m a survivor of sepsis. In April of 2020 I wasn’t feeling so great. I have frequent UTIs so I chalked the symptoms up to that, got an antibiotic and expected to feel normal within a few days. I didn’t. (Sepsis and Urinary Tract Infections) My symptoms progressively became worse but I muscled through it and lived most days normally.
The morning of May 10 ,2020- I awoke with an unquenchable thirst and was totally lethargic. I went to the ED, with a 104 fever and my BP was off of the charts. It was determined that a kidney stone has scratched my urethra and turned septic. (Sepsis and Kidney Stones) I was in the hospital for a week on IV antibiotics before signing out AMA as I’m a single mom (I don’t recommend) and being sent home with oral antibiotics. It was a rough go at first but I am alive .