Amalia Halpin

While on a trip with my childhood swim team, I felt my left calf become weak, and warm. Upon arriving home to Boston, the red spot had spread and as my body temperature rose to 102 and 103, my blood pressure dropped sharply. My pediatrician at the time was able to see me on short notice, and instructed us to go to the emergency room at Children’s in Boston immediately. These minutes made all the difference.
After being triaged at Children’s, I was admitted into the ER and began to decline into full on sepsis and septic shock. (Sepsis and Septic Shock) I spent 8 days in intensive care, had to have a drain put in my leg, and had to gain my strength again. It wasn’t until I left the hospital and dealt with the aftermath that the severity of the situation hit me. I suffered from night terrors, and was afraid something like this could happen again. Beating sepsis went beyond the hospital bed, and required the emotional strength of my family and myself to fully overcome. Now, I share my story with others to help them find how to walk through their lives with purpose, and strength in the face of great challenge.