Alexa Spivey

I woke up on November 25, 2023 with a fever of 104° and severe stomach virus symptoms. My family was busy getting ready for my niece’s 1st birthday party, so they weren’t able to give me the full attention I needed. After trying to sleep it off for 4 hours, my symptoms worsened, and I was scared something really bad was going to happen.
At this point, my boyfriend stopped helping with the party and drove me to the ER. Once I arrived, they gave me an IV, and ran tons of tests. I originally must’ve had a severe case of norovirus, but they discovered that within that time,. I had also developed sepsis. This all happened within the span of 5 hours. (Sepsis and Viral Infections)
I had to be driven by an ambulance to a bigger hospital where they could monitor me for 3 days. For months afterwards, my body still wasn’t back to normal. I’m so grateful to my boyfriend for not writing off my symptoms and for getting me to the hospital so quickly. I’m also so grateful to the doctors for running the necessary tests and discovering that I was also suffering from sepsis. I’m so so grateful all the precautions were taken and that my story had a happy ending. I had never even thought of sepsis before that day and I would’ve never expected it to advance that quickly within only a few hours.