Alexa Foutch

I am a 16 time sepsis survivor. 3x septic shock survivor. What started as an asthma attack that put me on a ventilator, and I ended up vomiting which turned into aspiration pneumonia, however, I just kept getting sick after that though. I was septic with COVID and other illnesses. Come to find out I have primary ammagammabulemia.
Because of sepsis I had to give up PTA school, am on supplemental oxygen 24/7 due to chronic respiratory failure, and have been on life support 14 times, I struggle every day with the after-effects of sepsis. I have been diagnosed with POTS, medical trauma PTSD, and am constantly in and out of the hospital due to sepsis, sepsis complications, or complications from the comorbidities that sepsis gave me. At just 22 years old, my whole life revolves around fighting to stay alive. I receive IVIG every month the give my body some form of an immune system.
Growing up I had issues with frequent illness, slow healing, etc, but now that we know about my immunodeficiency, we now know my risk and that sepsis is always on our radar. Currently, speaking I am hospitalized for a respiratory virus that turned into sepsis. I am thankful to still be here and I want to scream my story so others don’t have to suffer as well. My medical team has no idea how my body has pulled through and how I am still alive after all I have been through since June of 2021, but all I know is I am not done with this fight!