Patients & Family

Sepsis Alliance provides information and resources to help you better understand your or your loved one’s sepsis diagnosis.

Diagnosed with Sepsis

For anyone recently diagnosed with sepsis, this is the place to start.

Sepsis Basics

Sepsis Survivors

Some sepsis survivors recover completely and resume their lives, while others may struggle to cope with enduring effects of their illness. Here you can find information to help you navigate post-sepsis life.

Survivor Resources


When your loved one becomes ill with sepsis, you may not know what sepsis is or how to help them. Here are resources that may help you navigate this complex and difficult journey.

Caregiver Resources

Lost Loved Ones

Losing a loved one to sepsis can leave you with grief as well as many questions. Here are answers to some of the questions you may have after losing a loved one to sepsis.

Resources for Loved Ones

Sepsis Alliance Connect

Sepsis Alliance Connect is the virtual support community for anyone affected by sepsis.

Sepsis Alliance Connect

Faces of Sepsis

Nia Civil


Triple lobar pneumonia and septic shock aren’t a joke. (Sepsis and Pneumonia) On a cold winter day in December of 2012, I found my life quickly dwindling before my eyes. I had been sick for a while with a pesky cold that wasn’t going away, and was worsening over time, not realizing that it had turned into pneumonia. I had never been sick quite like this, but being a teenager, I hoped that it would somehow resolve itself with over the counter medicine as I had no context for what I was experiencing. I remained proactive as any kid trying ... Read Full Story

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Madison Coulter

Survivor, Survivor

Hi! My name is Madison and I am a grateful survivor of septic shock. It all began on December 4, 2024 when I was feeling extremely tired and worn down. I took my temperature to see I had a 101.7 fever. I monitored my temperature and exhaustion the following two days. My fever increased and fluctuated between 102 and 103 in those two days. I visited urgent care where I tested negative for strep, flu, and Covid, and was sent home with antibiotics to treat a UTI. I was already accompanied by some moderate back pain at this point, but ... Read Full Story

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Catherine Garrett

Survivor, Survivor, Survivor

In February of 2022, my husband and I planned a trip with my sister and brother-in-law to South Carolina to get away for a few days. I remember complaining to her about an annoying UTI. In the past, I always treated them at home just fine, but when I got home from the trip, I wasn’t improving, and I was experiencing back pain. (Sepsis and Urinary Tract Infections) I thought I had just pulled a muscle, but I was wrong. In 2019, I nearly lost my life to an amniotic fluid embolism, and ever since then, I feel like my ... Read Full Story

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Jill W.

Survivor, Survivor, Survivor, Survivor

I am a healthy, active 50 year old. Next Wednesday will be the one year anniversary of waking up with pain in my knee like I slammed it into a wall overnight. I rode my bike easily to an exercise class at 6 am but by 8 AM my knee was a giant ball and I couldn’t put any weight on the leg. A first visit to the ER didn’t show signs of fever or redness so I was sent home at noon with crutches and instructions to return if fever . By 3 pm the fever had set in ... Read Full Story

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Cheryl Pedersen

Survivor, Survivor, Survivor, Survivor, Survivor

I’m a 64 year old woman, who loved to camp, swim and paddle in her kayak. In Aug 2022 I had a laminectomy for a herniated disc in my lumber spine. I have rheumatoid arthritis and have been on immunosuppressant drugs for a few years. I stopped them 10 days prior to surgery. I felt immediately better. Eleven days later I started to feel weak and generally unwell. On Day 12 I suddenly developed chills and a fever. I’d never had chills before. I looked on my discharge paperwork and my symptoms fell under the reasons to call the surgeon. ... Read Full Story

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