Speaking To Patients

Healthcare professionals in all areas will, at some point, come into contact with people who either have sepsis, had sepsis, or care for someone who did. Speaking to people about sepsis is one of the most important things professionals can do because sepsis is still not well known and not well understood.

Sepsis Alliance provides information geared towards the general public that can be used by any healthcare provider to help promote sepsis awareness. All downloads are free of charge.

If you are looking for professional resources, please scroll down to learn about the Sepsis Alliance Institute.


If you are looking for ways to speak with your patients or clients about sepsis, here are some resources that may help start the conversations:

The top menu bar section that says “Sepsis Basics” has links to information like What is Sepsis, Risk Factors, Symptoms, and more.

Related Conditions: The Sepsis and Related Conditions library has over 50 conditions that are somehow connected to sepsis, such as diabetes or COPD, as well as life choices, such as getting a tattoo or piercing. Many of these topics are also available as SIGs (Sepsis Information Guides), which are in a downloadable PDF format.

FAQs: Sepsis Alliance has collected many of the most frequently asked questions about sepsis.

Speaking to patients and families about vaccinations, which reduce the risk of infections and sepsis, can be challenging. For information and references, visit Prevention: Vaccines to help you with that conversation.

You may find it helpful to give the Caregiver Guide to loved ones so they have a better idea of what is happening.

If patients have questions about the treatment bundle known as SEP-1, this informational webpage might be helpful.

Don’t forget the children

Sepsis Alliance also has resources for children, both for those who have sepsis and for their siblings or other young relatives and friends. Bug, Sepsis Alliance’s friendly ladybug, helps young children understand infections and how to prevent them.

pediatric sepsis week, pediatric sepsis, sepsis, children

This resource section also provides a child’s guide to sepsis and the ICU and a coloring book.

Post-sepsis syndrome

Post-sepsis syndrome (PSS) is becoming more known in the medical community, but still too many healthcare providers don’t know about or understand the issues related to PSS. Many sepsis survivors are left with lasting effects from their illness, including chronic fatigue, depression, and symptoms of PTSD. This is addressed in the Post-Sepsis Syndrome section of the site.

This section not only has a lot of information and links to other parts of the site, but there are also downloadable letters that survivors can present to doctors, teachers, coaches, and daycare workers to help them understand the lasting effect of sepsis.


Are you looking to connect with other healthcare professionals to see how they communicate with the public or you want to learn more about managing sepsis?


Elevate your sepsis care with education, resources, and peer-to-peer networking. The Sepsis Alliance Institute provides online learning about sepsis: best practices in sepsis recognition, treatment, and care. There are training modules and, through webinars (live and recorded), participants can also participate in CE credit activities. 

Sepsis Alliance Connect is a virtual support community designed for the millions of people affected by sepsis. Click here to learn more or to sign up.



Updated March 9, 2021.