Armando Nahum

Armando Nahum is the Co-Founder and President of Safe Care Campaign, an organization dedicated on Infection Prevention. In 2006, Armando Nahum and his wife Victoria began their work in patient advocacy and engagement by establishing Safe Care Campaign after three members of his family became infected in three different hospitals, in three different states in 10 months’ time, culminating with the death of his son, Josh. He was 27.
The story of Safe Care Campaign’s work has been featured on many national and local television and radio programs, including the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, FOX News, CNN: The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, and The Dr. Oz Show, as well as in numerous articles in journals and publications including CNN’s The Empowered Patient, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and Infection Control Today.
Armando has co-produced, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), APIC, and a grant from Kimberly-Clark, a patient safety video – the health care counterpart to the FAA safety demonstration that airlines are required to show passengers before every flight. The video was created to be used as part of every hospital admission to teach patients how to insist on safe care through the practice of hand hygiene.
Armando currently sits on the CDC Council on Infection Prevention, the Georgia Hospital Association Advisory Board to Prevent Infection, the Georgia Department of Public Health HAI Advisory Committee, the MedStar Health System Patient and Family Advisory Council for Quality and Safety (SPFACQS).
Along with his wife Victoria, Marty Hatlie, and Dr. Tim McDonald, Armando has launched the Healthcare and Patient Partnership Institute (H2Pi) to effectively train hHospitals to achieve the stated goals of CMS’ Partnership for Patients by bringing the patient and family member’s voice into structured and sustainable advisory councils. Armando has been a driving force for establishing Patient and Family Advisory Council for Quality and Safety (PFACQS) at each of the 10 MedStar Hospitals as well as countless of PFACs across the country through a partnership with Vizient, Inc.
Armando is the Patient and Family Advisor for MedStar Health Sepsis System Initiative. Through his work, he has been instrumental in passing legislation in Maryland, producing a sepsis video for patients and family education, reducing mortality to 35%, and winning the Sherman Award, as well as the Circle of Honor for Patient Safety Innovation, from the Maryland Patient Safety Center. The MedStar Health Sepsis Initiative has become a national model being adapted by institutions across the U.S.
Armando Nahum is Director, Center for Engaging Patients as Partners at MedStar Institute for Quality and Safety (MIQS).
In February of 2020, Armando was appointed to a four-year term as a voting member and an SGE (Special Government Employee) to the Presidential Advisory Council for Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria (PACCARB).
Armando is a founding member of Patients for Patient Safety US (PFPS US), a network of people and organizations aligned with the World Health Organization (WHO) and focused on making healthcare safe in the United States. On November 14, 2022, Armando was invited by Secretary Becerra, from HHS, to open the session on the National Healthcare System Action Alliance.