Theresa Decker
This is such a long story but I have to give the back story to get to “the story. ” I’m 53 and recently ran into this website while researching sepsis.
In 2009 I was diagnosed with non-Hoskins lymphoma in my lungs, which from what I’m told is very, very rare in the lungs (naturally, couldn’t be simple). From 2009 to 2012 I underwent chemotherapy and antibody therapy twice. One of which was R-CHOP, which consists of 3 active chemo drugs. One of which is known to damage the heart muscle in some patients. During that time to the present I have suffered from neutropena (an absence of infection fighting white blood cells) and was hospitalized for 7 days, and many rounds of pneumonia requiring hospitalization. My last chemotherapy treatment was Feb 2012. I have been in remission since then. (Sepsis and Cancer)
In September 2015, I got a severe cold. Not uncommon for me; I get sick twice a year both lasting 6 months each. By the end of November I was gradually getting worse and it was becoming increasing harder to breathe. Of course all my doctors (oncologist, pulmonary doctor and family doctor) took blood work and ordered multiple CT scans of my lungs over the next 4 months. All which showed nothing but a severe sinus infection. I even asked if the R-CHOP chemo could have anything to do with it. No I was told. Had been too long.
The end of March 2016 after many trips to the ER, I ended up at the ER once again. My heart rate was 140 bpm. I was immediately taken back and the same tests began. However this time the doctor ordered blood work, including heart enzymes. BINGO. My BNP (a blood test) was over 27,000. It’s supposed to be 0! I was admitted to the cardiac ward immediately.
After 7 days of many tests, blood work, cultures and meds. I’m told my 4th ventricle of my heart (the one that pumps oxygen-rich blood to the body) has been irreparably damaged. My EF (ejection fraction), which should be 55-60 is at 25.
I was discharged with cardiac meds, oxygen and a follow up appointment for June on April 4th. On May 10th I collapsed at my daughter’s feet. I was taken to the hospital by ambulance with sporadic consciousness. There, my daughter was told another 30 minutes and I would have been gone. Ironically I had made her my medical power of attorney in March.
I was admitted with respiratory failure, kidney failure, CHF, sepsis, multiple blood clots in my lungs, low BP, systolic heart failure among other things. Although at first I was responding to treatment, things went south fast. Ending me in ICU and intubated for the rest of the month. My family were not given a definite prognosis only being told I had advance sepsis among the other diagnosis.
I have no memory of actual events of this time. Only the very vivid and disturbing hallucinations I experienced, which still haunt me a year later. None have faded in intensity.
When I was discharged I stayed with my daughter and family due to chances of falling. I walked with a walker and eventually a cane for 3 months before being able to drive and go back to my apartment on my own. I have been unable to work as before and have gone on disability. I take a minimum of 12 pills a day (including an anti-depression med). I am depressed, unmotivated, anxiety is off the chart about everything. I cry 85% of the time, stopped attending church and just in general feel useless, worthless and ANGRY!
I have recently started seeing a therapist because I feel hopeless. Too soon to tell if it will help. Here’s praying! (Sepsis and Post-Sepsis Syndrome)