Scott Gerard
March 9th 2016 I went in for a simple outpatient TURP surgery. (Sepsis and Surgery) My family had been told that I was having problems coming out of the anesthesia. Later they were told that the equipment had malfunctioned but that I was okay and would recover. Apparently everything was fine and I was sent home.
I went back the next day to have the catheter removed and again sent home. (Sepsis and Invasive Devices) Three hours later I was in excruciating pain and taken to the ER. That is the last thing I remember until I came out of a medically induced coma in another hospital. My family was told that there was danger of organ failure and surgery had to be performed. My organs were swelling from the sepsis. They cut me from my chest to below my belly button. I was left open for two days while the swelling went down. Taken for another surgery and closed up. I had been in a coma and on life support for a week.
When I woke up I was surrounded by my family who had been praying that the antibiotics would work. Their prayers were answered. My family doctor told me that it was a miracle I survived. It’s taken a little over a year for a full recovery and I feel very blessed to be able to sit here today to tell my story.
I had no clue how devastating septic shock could be. Thanks to the Sepsis Alliance for the work you do and for educating the public .
Scott Gerard