Katie Felton

On Oct 23, Katie was given last rites after being septic from pneumonia. (Sepsis and Pneumonia) She had been sick for two months with a virus which we now know was caused from CVID (common variable immune deficiency). She was transferred to a larger medical facility after all her family said their goodbyes.
Upon arriving there she was diagnosed with ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome). (Sepsis and ARDS) She survived but would spend the next two years in the hospital where she had to learn to walk again. She had cognitive deficits and her right eye muscle was affected. It would take over 3 years before she would walk without aides. She continues to suffer from health issues and PTSD (Sepsis and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). She recently started living in an apartment and while she requires assistance she has never given up. Told she would never walk again she proved everyone wrong.
Source: Becky Felton (Katie's mother)