Evelyn Pinto

I don’t know how I got through this acute health crisis. I don’t remember much of this traumatic ordeal. I do know that I was in the Medical ICU for 2 days and 2 nights.
You see, I had Pneumonia + I was in Septic Shock, with barely a blood pressure. (Sepsis and Pneumonia)
I had an access IV line in my neck, sutures in my wrist (for blood pressure and blood gas), a catheter and other medical paraphernalia in me and coming out of me. The doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and other hospital personnel worked with efficiency, experience and competence to save my life. I was given an abundance of fluids, several IV antibiotics, medications to raise my blood pressure + other treatments and medications. I remember very little of what happened to me of those 2 days and nights in the medical ICU, at the hospital I go for my medical care.
I am now having difficulties processing what happened to me.
I do know this medical dilemma happened quickly. It began with me being abnormally freezing with a high temperature. Knowing my body well, I called an ambulance, which took me to the hospital. At the hospital’s Emergency Department, I had a fever of over 104* with barely a blood pressure. It went on from there….
I am now out of the ICU and in a medical unit at the hospital. I still have the scars from this traumatic ordeal. Some scars are noticeable and some are more permanent and not visible. These invisible scars reside in my inner being, in the fortress of my mind.
Yes, my friends, I am here, on that long road to wellness and fortunate to be alive to tell you of this traumatic experience.
I need to thank the hospital personal at the hospital for all they’ve done for me, especially saving my life. As I remember praying that 1st night in the ICU, I realize it was the Grace of God that saved me. It was Jesus who was with me, watching over me and protecting me.
As I sit on this hospital bed, writing, I feel overwhelmed, frightened and confused.
I, then, bow my head in prayer.
Evelyn Pinto
July 20, 2019
It was on a Sunday night when I, freezing and feverish and was experiencing difficulty breathing. Knowing my body, I realized that something was horribly wrong with me. I called an ambulance and asked the EMTs to transport me to the hospital I go for my medical care.
By the time I arrived at the Emergency Room, my fever was 103.9
I don’t remember much of what went on in that room in the Emergency Department that night.
I do know that the doctors and nurses, tirelessly, worked all night to stabilize me from the sepsis and pneumonia that was attacking my body..
I’m home now, after spending a week in the hospital.
I am gradually remembering more of the details that happened in the Emergency Room, when I was so sick with sepsis and pneumonia. At times, I get frightened, anxious and distracted. (Sepsis and Post-Sepsis Syndrome) There are other times when I am so grateful to God for Life!
I appreciate the treatment and care, which was beyond excellence, presented to me at Mount Auburn Hospital. I’m grateful to be alive and do so enjoy quality times with family and friends. There are special times when I, alone, pray and have time with just God and me.
Evelyn Pinto
August 4, 2017